SMYKBAR was founded in 2020 by mother and son, Nina and Noah Middelboe.

We want to give everyone the opportunity to be creative & to create in a beautiful communal space at SMYKBAR.

When I am engaged in a creative project, it gives me great peace of mind, and I can totally unwind; I think that it is very nice, and I would like to share this with others through SMYKBAR.

When I was 7 years old I created my own jewellery and then again in 2019. At that time I was making jewellery at home and also started to hang out at cafés with my friends. Therefore, I got the idea to create a place where I can be creative and be with my friends
— Noah Middelboe (born in 2004)

Noah Middelboe & Nina Middelboe, founders of SMYKBAR


SMYKBAR Østerbro in Copenhagen.

In a world where we are bombarded with impressions, SMYKBAR offers a framework for togetherness and immersion. Here you can meet with someone you care about. Feel the space and the beautiful materials - experience, touch and create your own quality jewelery.
Precisely because it is a piece of jewelery that means something special and is completely unique to the person who has created it - or received it – we believe that SMYKBAR jewellery is something that you become happier with and prouder of over time. So you also take better care of it and therefore it has longer durability compared to ‘fast fashion’ jewelery.
— Nina Middelboe, co-founder

The first jewellery cafés are located in Copenhagen, Denmark (Frederiksberg and Østerbro) and in the cities of Aarhus and Odense.

Our first SMYKBAR store outside of Denmark will be in Oslo, Norway, in spring 2024

Download our press photo here



CVR/VAT no.: 41 57 28 41

Conctact info on our stores here